Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Face Modelling - Symmetry

Using Symmetry and Sub – division

This step wasn’t a huge problem.

I had to apply a symmetry modifier. I selected the original face. (the face model I have been working with) and then in the modify panel selected Symmetry, this created the symmetry, but the face was squashed into the centre.

I had several options, I used the ‘Flip’ option and selected ‘x’, to flatten it out.

Within the Symmetry modifier, I selected ‘Mirror’; this allowed me to move the mirrored object, so that it was sitting in the middle of the face.

There are many different modifiers I could have used for this method, but using the symmetry method meant that whatever changes I made to the original side, also changed on the other side.

I also used the ‘turbosmooth’ modifier, this gives the model more of a 3D look and the model also looks very smooth.

This is the first time I have seen the whole of my face modelled in 3D.

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